Hello everyone, I'm extremely delighted to see you back again on my blog's third continuation. So, perhaps this will be the last photographic blog of the series, soon i'll be uploading more in coming days but more certainly on different cocerns and broader themes wich might be possible only after the lockdown period comes to an end. So, here we go with an uncetain genre tried after long lime, hoping you all like it.


Didn't wanna water your mouth with these street foods amist lockdown but they were so, tempting that I couldn't resist myself for sharing it up with you all. So, on the left is Kota's Special Pohas wich would just water your moth but also alrm your olfactory and on the left ya, you are correct Dosa a South Indian dish which is so scarce to find up in these lockdown days, but getting them at made at home is just another level.

So, at last I wish may God shower all the good wishes upon you all my readers, and may this hard time too pass away in blink of an eye.

NameMd. Sameer
Roll No.: 114
CollegeTMSL, Kolkata
My Theme is: "Food Photography".

Thank you, see you all soon. Stay tuned.


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